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Brief introduction to Spring design
Source: | Author:Bosswinn | Published time: 2024-04-20 | 519 Views | Share:
Hooke's Law is a fundamental principle in mechanics.
However, it is important to note that there are non-linear springs, where the resisting force is not linearly proportional to the displacement.
There are various types of springs, and the most abundant ones are illustrated below.
Circular cross section springs are depicted in the illustration.
Leaf springs, as shown in the diagram below in a common wheeled-vehicle scenario, can be engineered to possess progressive spring rates.
The history of springs dates back to the Bronze Age, where metal springs were already in existence.

Hooke's Law is a fundamental principle in mechanics that pertains to the behavior of springs. Springs are essential mechanical elements that serve as the foundation for numerous mechanical systems. When a spring undergoes a change in shape, it exerts a resisting force, which can be quantified using Hooke's Law.

Hooke's Law states that the resisting force (F) exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement (D) it experiences, and this relationship is governed by the spring constant (k). In most cases, springs are assumed to be linear and adhere to Hooke's Law.

However, it is important to note that there are non-linear springs, where the resisting force is not linearly proportional to the displacement. These non-linear springs are not extensively discussed in this context.

There are various types of springs, and the most abundant ones are illustrated below.

Circular cross section springs are depicted in the illustration. In cases where there is limited space, such as with automotive valve springs, square cross section springs can be taken into consideration. However, if space is extremely restricted and there is a high load requirement, Belleville washer springs can be a viable option. The illustration below showcases these various types of springs.

Leaf springs, as shown in the diagram below in a common wheeled-vehicle scenario, can be engineered to possess progressive spring rates. This feature of a "non-linear spring constant" proves beneficial for vehicles that need to function efficiently under fluctuating loads, like trucks.

The history of springs dates back to the Bronze Age, where metal springs were already in existence. However, even before the use of metals, wood was utilized as a flexible structural component in archery bows and military catapults. The Renaissance period marked the emergence of precision springs, which became essential with the introduction of accurate timepieces. During the fourteenth century, the development of precise clocks revolutionized celestial navigation. This progress was further fueled by the exploration and conquests of the European colonial powers, which provided motivation for advancements in clockmaking. Additionally, the field of firearms also played a significant role in driving the development of springs.

The eighteenth century witnessed the dawn of the industrial revolution, which created a demand for large, accurate, and cost-effective springs. Unlike the handcrafted springs of clockmakers, springs now needed to be mass-produced using materials like music wire. Manufacturing techniques were developed to meet this demand, resulting in the widespread availability of springs today. With the advent of computer-controlled wire and sheet metal bending machines, custom springs can now be produced within a matter of weeks. However, it is important to note that the production rate of these custom springs is not as high as that of dedicated machinery.